I gave it a try on my Pixel 9 and I can see the toolbar (google play sevices are running, version 2024123000).

Thanks for having a look. I didn't think this would require play services, but I have it installed as well. The only permission enabled is sensors though since this is on my owner profile and don't want google connected at all if I can help it. I have a separate google profile to use my banking app, but I am trying to avoid it for anything else if possible. I wouldn't have it enable at all if it wasn't required by mediamonkey to work.

I've given all permissions to the app itself, but is there any way to tell that it is requesting play services? I looked through the app log, but nothing is ringing out to me. I'm still cutting my teeth on GOS, so please excuse any ignorance.

I tried editing my previous post but can't.

Edit: I searched the codebase for google and think I see the issue.

import com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.BottomNavigationView;
import com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationBarView;

I tried adding permissions to play services that might make sense, but I'll just ditch the app if it requires network or location. It's still not working, so maybe there is no easy answer.