Nomenclature: it's a Signal account, but the application I am using on both devices is Molly.
I have just obtained a new device and set it up with GrapheneOS, and I am trying to transfer my account data from one device to the other, or accomplish the same thing by restoring from backup, but the three methods I have tried have resulted in roadblocks. To be more precise, I am trying to use Molly in a separate user profile from the Owner profile; I have a weaker password on this second profile. I suspect this is why I am having such trouble, but I will explain my situation further anyway.
The first method was to attempt a transfer using both devices. As part of this approach, Molly needs location services; I get a button to this effect, which takes me a GrapheneOS settings page for Location. I have "Use location" toggled, and additionally, I have gone to the "App location permissions" page and made sure that Molly is also permitted there. When I go back, I just get the same prompt from Molly; there is no way to proceed with this method. Of course, on my other device (where I was not using Molly in a secondary profile), I have had no such issues getting Location to work.
The second and third attempts were to restore from backup. I made a backup on the older device, first as a .json and then as a .txt file. I transferred them to the new device. Unfortunately, while I can navigate to the folder where I have placed them, I don't have any ability that I can discern to click them or open them. They are "greyed out" and cannot be interacted with. Hence, I cannot proceed.