I'm trying to launch a Chinese app for updating eInk screens. It doesn't launch on Graphene, but does work on Calyx. It complains that permissions haven't been granted and then quits.

What's the best way to debug why? So far I've:

  • Granted all the permissions its asked for.
  • Set the location permission to "all the time"
  • Switched on Exploit protection compatibility mode

It isn't found on any marketplace and is distributed by the manufacturer. Name is cn.manytag.work_card_write Version 2.1.2. It can be downloaded from https://file.io/VmtESDG0aPFg

Happy to share logs if that's useful?
Any thoughts on what I should try?

The only obvious thing I can see in the logs is

11-19 10:12:23.600 5533 5533 E WindowManager: at com.yanzhenjie.permission.runtime.MRequest.callbackFailed(MRequest.java:158)

When I try to open the app, I get this error asking me to allow the permission.
Chinese error
It takes me to the location permission page. I can see I've granted it everything, but I can also see it hasn't requested the location.

I don't have this issue with any other apps - my OSM apps can get location. I'm wondering if there's a setting I've missed somewhere?

The app works fine on stock Android. Is there any way to debug which permission check it is failing?

    22 days later

    Can anyone please recommend a way for me to troubleshoot this?
    It's asking for Location permission and then, seemingly, ignoring me granting it.

      edent Interesting. Could you share a new link to the app? The file appears to have been deleted from the hosting link you shared previously. Even the manufacturer's website doesn't seem to link to it.