I'm trying to switch over to Graphene and I marginally understand most of the guides. For context, I'm using the ones below. I think I've found the latest stable release for me, 2022081800, but I'm finding that the zip files only contain an xml and cfg file, no flash-all.bat or whatever else. How do I find such a thing? Can I? I was trying the web tool, but was informed my old phone isn't compatible (version bonito). Thanks.

https://grapheneos.org/releases#2022081800 zips with few files
https://grapheneos.org/releases#stable-channel zips with 1GB+ of files

    MisterV sorry to disappoint you, but the Pixel 3a has been unsupported for a while now. What you found is most likely the manifest. From my limited knowledge, images for the 3a aren't available anymore. If you ask the devs real nice, they might send you a link to download them, but I somehow doubt that will happen.
    The general advice would be, to get a new (supported) device.

      MisterV like @DeletedUser87 said it's unlikely to get an out of date image here. It's against the main values and principles as far as I understand them. Timely updates are a crucial part of security, and GOS is focused on security and privacy before anything else.

      I understand the idea. My 3a is now collecting dust, despite being a perfectly functional device. It's frustrating, but the more you'll dig into security, privacy and anonymity, the more you'll understand that you can't trust the 3a anymore with all the exploits being used out there.

      My best advice is to get a good deal on a pixel 8a and use the 3a as a trade in discount. With the 8a you'll get updates until May 2031, so it's a solid successor you can hold on for much longer than the 6a or 7a. It also comes with advanced hardware security features and hopefully a nice desktop mode soon.


      Would highly recommend getting a Google Pixel which will still be supported for a few years. If you can't afford this, have a look into DivestOS to at least get partial security updates (vendor updates will be missing, but the rest of the OS and apps will be updated) and much better privacy than on the Pixel stock OS.

      • N1b likes this.

      To be honest, this is all about threat modelling. If you have it on airplane mode all the time, it is already incredibly more safe.

      Then if you use it offline (and there are tons of things you can do with a mostly offline phone, navigation, dictionary, music, books, movies, ...) it is almosr completely fine.

      All depends on what you actually do with it and what your threats are.

      Try DivestOS.org

      They target EOL devices to reduce harm. It is very close to GrapheneOS, while also a big portion less secure. But for your phone it should be perfect. They do things like port latest Android, which improves security a lot.


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      @MisterV I don't know for what reason you are sticking with an out of date and insecure device, but if money is an issue, there are legitimate sources (like Amazon) where you can get one of the latest recommended devices to future proof your mobile experience https://grapheneos.org/faq#recommended-devices and pay it off in installments to reduce financial burden and to get you thinking on how to build up your financial security while you do that.