Hi All,

I know there was a discussion about this a few months ago, but I just wanted to confirm that Capital One doesn't work on Pixel 6, and for me it hasn't worked for a few months now. I believe it started crashing sometime in the spring, maybe as late as June. Wondering if there are any other Pixel 6 users that are having this problem?

For me it just crashes out as soon as I launch the app. Don't even make it to the login page. This is on the sandboxed google side of the phone, by the way.

Thanks so much to Dev team for doing so much to keep Graphene such a solid and all around reliable experience!

    Vittorio This is an older report on said app, the comment here https://github.com/PrivSec-dev/banking-apps-compat-report/issues/107#issuecomment-1270743511 suggested by the end user is to:

    I was finally able to log in after months after enabling Exploit protection compatibility mode
    Under Capital One -> App Info -> Advanced -> Exploit protection compatibility mode. No more crashes on startup!

    Please see the full step by step guide on possible work around solutions related to such issues here:

    Works fine on my 6 Pro. As commented earlier, only had to get compatibility mode on.

    Hi all, it now works with exploit protection compatibility mode! I'm going to try this with all the apps that I can't get working. Thanks so much everyone!