i've got a message from Tuta mail. they say that the new calendar app is available on google play.
what happens if i keep using the app from fdroid that incorporates both email and calendar?

    Hey, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    lovefromisrael Nothing. According to them the app should just have more features. They will keep supporting the in-app calendar for the mail client though (they didn't say anything that implies otherwise).

    After the new release of calendar app it is not possible to update the email tuta app through obtanium.
    They are in the same category and obtanium picks the calendar app.

      Grkrz I used Regex to clean this up—

      • Open the Tuta app screen in Obtanium and tap the pencil ‘Edit’ icon
      • Scroll down to the ‘Filter APKs by Regular Expression’
      • Paste in ^((?!calendar).)*$
      • Tap the ‘Continue’ button

      If you want to add the Tuta Calendar as a second app into Obtanium:

      • Tap ‘Add App’ in bottom menu
      • Paste the /tutanota GitHub Releases page: https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/releases
      • Scroll down to ‘Filter APKs by Regular Expression’
      • Paste in calendar
      • Tap the ‘Continue’ button

      As long as Tuta keeps “calendar“ in the name of the Tuta Calendar APK (and out of the name of the Tuta Mail APK), these should work.

        Fog-Nearby Thank you for this. I also had to toggle off "Try inferring App ID from source code" to make this work. Adding this note in case it helps someone else.

        6 days later