• General
  • Sandboxes GPlay Services in a work profile

I'm attempting to set up a work profile and running into issues where the management app either claims it cannot be created, or it gets hung up and never completes. In the case of not completing, I believe its because the work profile doesn't appear to have any sandboxed google play services. Is there a way to get these onto the work profile? Or is this app doing something odd that is preventing the process of creating a work profile from completing?

A few other notes of interest:

  • Creating another user is not going to work. It faces the same problems
  • Apps like Shelter are not an option. I need to use the specific app I have been trying to get working: Microsoft's Company Portal
  • The app starts its process in the owner profile, creates the work profile, then disables the version of the app in the owner profile. Since the app process never completes this is where it gets stuck, but I can open up the app list from settings and switch to the newly managed version in the work profile (which is unable to activate).

Do you have Gcam Services Provider installed from fdroid ? If so, please uninstall it

If installing sandboxed play services in the owner profile followed by your company device management doesnt resolve the app working in the first instance and it depends on SafetyNet ctsprofilematch or strict Play Integrity API passes it won't work.

If the device management app works and can create a work profile and can clone our 'Apps' app into the work profile to install sandboxed play services in it then it will work/activate.

You cant install the Play Services in a work profile until the work profile has been created.

So if the work profile is successfully created (which I believe is being done), but the management app offers no way to clone apps into the work profile itself, how would I clone the 'Apps' app into the work profile? I tried to follow those steps before but ran into the problem of having no reasonable way to do that - so my assumption is I might be blocked due to inadequate capabilities of the management app.

As for the SafetyNet check I'm unsure - I don't know I've gotten far enough to try. It always gets stuck after creating the work profile in the Android wizard. I'm able to then see all the work profile settings and even remove the work profile from accounts if needed, it just doesn't have any management applied since it wasn't activated yet.

Either way thanks for the suggestions - I'm just starting to believe this isn't going to work.

Obviously, am not certain. I would try creating a work profile on your phone followed by Google Playstore. Activate Playstore and login to your Google account within the work profile.

Having done that, try and install the management app in the same work profile.

That's the problem though - I don't think there's a way to do the steps in the order you are describing (hence why I was asking about installing Google Play Services into the work profile). I need to depend on the management app to be able to do that as there's no way I'm aware of to just switch to the work profile once its created and I can't install the Play Store to it myself. Unless I'm missing something?

There's no way to "install the management app in the same work profile" or login to my google account within the work profile (as Play Store doesn't exist there) since this isn't a user account. I would have to clone the apps into it as far as I can tell through the management app as @MetropleX suggested, which isn't an option through the Intune app that I can see (it automatically is deciding what to clone and its not those parts).

If I'm missing something basic please correct me 😄. I'd love for this to work but I don't see a way to do so at this point if the app can't finish its setup process correctly.

2 years later
a month later

The PR is currently in good standing and the dev is asking for merge or pointers on how to do it properly in case the approach is not the best.

I think it is time we all politely ask the GoS team to review this PR so we can finally use the work profile as work profile.

  • de0u replied to this.