• [deleted]

I was wondering if it is possible to set up 2 profiles. One with all the privacy features enabled ( I understand that the Google Pay NFC App does not pass the google security checks on GrapheneOS) and the other profile with google features sandboxed, so I can use Google Pay to pay with NFC.

Thank you

  • Aeon replied to this.


    NFC payment with Google wallet does not work on GrapheneOS. You already need to install Play services to isntall Google Wallet so that does not change that google blocks NFC payment with Google Wallet on GrapheneOS

      • [deleted]

      Aeon what about the sandboxed version of google pay?

      • Aeon replied to this.


        that has nothing todo with sandboxing, its a decision by google to not allow the nfc functionality of google wallet on non google certified devices and only google can change that.