My Battery percentage/analysis behaves suddenly not correct. (100% whole day)

When I started my day i had something around 90% - but when I looked at my phone later today the percentage was at 100% - the "battery usage" overview in System/Battery show.s.... nothing. No graph at all.

by now i did the following to test if a change might happens:

  • 3 re-starts.
  • Open multiple app - incl. an emulator which usual kills my battery faster as any other app.
  • Run a 1hr 1080p video via newpipe

And the battery stays at 100% ! The phone is in first time use of like a month!

I found this for a pixel 7 but it doesn't work for GrapahneOS
Settings > Apps > See all .. apps > Device Health Services > Storage & cache > Clear cache > Manage space > Clear all data
(you don't have possibility to clear the cache since you can't find the "system-battery-app"-nor the above mentioned- under apps )

    [deleted] Deep Cycling bäd :( i want(ed) to prevent to drain the battery completely.
    Especially since it's just an educated guess and will take hours.

    Also did doesn't explain why there is no graph for the usage...

    But perhaps someone can provide a possible solution before the battery dies - till than I will do the drain the battery tactic passively in the hope it fixes it

    None than less... the issue shouldn't exist in the first place. Couldn't it be an indication for a broken sensor/chip?

      Just a stab in the dark, but how about booting into Safe Mode and back?

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        Deep Cycling bäd :( i want(ed) to prevent to drain the battery completely.

        Why? The battery controller wont allow it to go into a range that could be damaging. Especially if its a new phone, dont worry about this.

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        dregrinfuces I'm 100% sure that this wouldnt do anything.

        I did nothing - suddenly it did drop below 90% and the apps are now shown on the Graph - not sure if this counts as "solved" tho

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          ILIKETRAINS The graph is based on percentage change. So when its at 100% it thinks its charged and resets the counters.