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  • Upload old photos to Gallery app with original timestamp

Hi, i'm new with GrapheneOs, I have installed my pixel 4a and i'm trying to migrate my stuff from my old android phone.
I am in trouble moving my old photos to my new GrapheneOs phone with their original timestamps: I tried to copy them with mtp file transfer but I loose their timestamps. I also tried using adb push, files are copied with right date, but they are inaccessible from gallery app (no right permissions i suppose).

What is right way to do this?


yes, i suppose that also synchronizing with nextcloud or others cloud softwares or also a ftp server on graphene works, there is no other way? there is no way to do this only with native graphene/android tools?

Syncthing synchronizes directly (via Local Network) from Device to Device, where "Device" may also be a PC.