I installed Signal from Play Store and it uses Google for push notifications. But still, Signal is consuming almost all of my battery. It is such an inefficient piece of software that I unfortunately rely on to chat with my family and friends.

To reduce battery usage, I turned off "Allow background usage". But the moment I navigate back from that screen, it turns the toggle back to "On". Signal keeps running in background for more that 6 hours while foreground usage is just an hour.

My question is how Signal could override GrapheneOS settings? And what can I do to fully stop it from sucking all my battery. Is it a GrapheneOS bug or Signal's?

Thank you.

    bitestring same. Especially from last few days. Yesterday I switched to Molly It consumed only 3% today, whereas in signal it was 20 30% per day,

    ticklemyIP No, I am little cautious of third party implementations. But my primary issue is how Signal is able to override GrapheneOS settings. If any app can do that, what is the point of Android's permission system?

    bitestring To reduce battery usage, I turned off "Allow background usage". But the moment I navigate back from that screen, it turns the toggle back to "On".

    I can't reproduce that behaviour; the toggle stays disabled when I disable it for Signal, also after relaunching the app and rebooting the device.

    Does it happen for your other apps as well?

      Only guessing but even if it is not actively running in the background it may be trying to run over and over and still effecting battery life.

      Second recommendation for Molly, and if have any other unified push apps you can get even better battery.

      7 days later

      fid02 Yes it happens for one another app. But it does not occur for Signal now magically.