Hi all,
Just made the switch from ios to grapheneos using a pixel 8a. So far it's rather smooth so thanks for the great work to all the team.
My main issue is that the phone easily heats up. Like, my iphone never ever gave me this feeling and here I very quickly feel like I'm holding something too hot to be comfortable, wihch is quickly a pain with a cell phone.
I've made sure to close app that I don't use and only have two apps running in the background: my vpn and signal, in order to get notifications. Without background use, Signal would not get notifications.
Questions: anyone else in this situation? I have read that you could install Google Play Services to help with notifications, does that mean that the app would not need to run in the background? I am also very wary of installing google apps -- I do not use any of them so far, except the camera, and even then in the work profile via shelter and with no network permission. Since I am not sure I fully appreciate the privacy risks of installing GPS, I have not done so yet. Would this help in any way? Anything else I should consider for the heating issue?
Pixel 8a heating up
My impression is that, apart from heat due to load or charging which is a given, the times when my 8a gets fiery hot is when its trying hard to get or maintain a high bandwidth connection. So on my end disabling 5g (LTE only) has helped, plus trying to avoid network-heavy tasks in poorly covered areas.
Thanks for sharing. I can try and disable 5G (or check if that's not already done). Let's see whether this helps.