If i use the instagram app just with orbot and i do not give instagram any personal data about me including no uploads of pictures and videos at all, what kind of data would instagram get then about me?
Would it be the same data then every other app on my phone? I never used any google or meta services on this Grapheneos device before. Open source apps only. I think about using instagram for research porpuses. I would not engage with people i really know. I would give the app just network permission.
If i only activate the instagram app when it is in use and i am on orbot systemwide vpn mode, than i see no chance that instagram can get any indentifiable information about me.
I could use all capabilities of the app (despite self doxing ones ofcourse) and can still remain anonymous.
Ofcourse email and phone number would not be linked to my real ones.
Am i right on all of that?
If so, would it be the same on stock android? Or is it thanks to Grapheneos? I think its because Grapheneos but you tell me.
Ps: i've red the Grapheneos Features text multiple times but i am still not 100%sure thats why i ask people who hopefully know more than me.
Does instagram have more trouble identifying me on Grapheneos?