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  • Disable FCM Push Notifications for individual apps

I have a quick question that I'm sure you know the answers to.

I have installed the Sandboxed Play Services and removed the permission for notifications from one app. Is it correct that no Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) push messages will be received for this app, so no information from this App will be sent via FCM?

If this is not correct and at all, is there any other way to disable FCM for individual apps?

Thank you and best regards

Disabling notifications just means that the notification won't display. It has nothing to do with the actual data transfer. I don't think there is any mechanism to do what you're trying to do.

Many apps allow you to control whether or not you want Push notifications by clearly stating they are push notifications. If you turned off Push notifications within the app, then it shouldn't use Firebase Cloud Messaging. There are a lot of other messages that are simply the app notifying you directly and which shouldn't use FCM.

Hi, thank you very much for the quick responses!!
Best regards