Hello everyone,
I'm trying to migrate my Signal account but I cannot get past the number verification process.
Everytime I try to migrate from the old phone or re-register the account, the "Google Play services missing" notification pops up, I continue, and the app keeps buffering, sometimes it gives me a captcha, but after every try it says I have tried to register my phone number too many times.
I have uninstalled GSF/GPS because I want to use websocket notifications for Signal, but I need to enable Google Services to use other apps.
Is there a way to force Signal to use websockets even if I have GSF/GPS installed? Should I use Molly (I don't like it because it stays behind for a few versions)?

Your issue may be that you uninstalled GServices after installing Signal. This may cause Signal to be stuck in the "GMS On mode".
To answer your question, no you can't do that unless you install Signal and GMS in two different users. I do recommend Molly though.

I ran into a similar issue when I was setting up my phone. I had to completely uninstall Google Play Store, Services and Framework from my shelter work profile. Somehow Signal can detect they are installed if you are using a work profile for isolation. Uninstall them from everywhere on the phone, then reinstall signal and run through the setup process, and finally you can reinstall whatever google services you want and signal will remain in google free mode.