I was casually using my phone and randomly saw the camera indicator pop up in the status bar. I wondered why and went to settings, checked the privacy dashboard and saw that the camera app was using this permission (despite not even being opened). This seems to happen randomly (i noticed this once a few days ago and then again today).

Is anyone else experiencing this? It feels very weird.

2 months later

In my case recently battery usage had camera app in tops with 11% of battery used(which is not usual) and when switched to view by systems, camera shows 29 min of usage which is wrong as it was not used that much within that specific period(since last full charge) but matches the privacy dashboard data. Plus privacy dashboard crashes infinitely when camera section is opened and viewed period switched to 7 days, each crash is followed by a crash dialog offering to close, wait or show details. On close it normally terminates, wait turns in a repeated crash, show details doesn't do anything. It is possible though to access and capture view log from the app info section while it's misbehaving. In addition to above the battery usage is not consistent, sometimes not providing any data at all, sometimes the table just looks different from what it usually does. Which doesn't add any confidence. Wish to see some useful hints not to cultivate false concerns about it. If they're really false of course.