I recently saw this article, https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/04/13/0237210/google-finally-launches-androids-find-my-device-network . My understanding - and I could be wrong, I'm not an expert in all this stuff - is that Google will use bluetooth within android to have (eventually) all android devices communicate with each other in some kind of mesh network. This will happen even if the device is not connected to the internet, and even if the device is (supposedly) powered off. This is being promoted as a way to help people find lost android devices, although I'm skeptical of that being the main reason for promoting this.
1) Am I understanding the article correctly?
2) Am I correct in assuming that Graphene will either disable this "feature", or at least give the user the means to disable it?
3) Kind of related to question #2 above: Is it likely that Graphene will give the user the option to completely power down a device?
4) For an existing device like a Pixel 8, how can a person today ensure that the device is not participating in this network and is not sending out such a bluetoot signal, both for when bluetooth is disabled on the device, and for when the user termporarily enables bluetooth to use with something like a bluetooth headphone?