Regards the white bar please see:
In reference to root methods such as Magisk being used on GrapheneOS:
If you unlock your bootloader and root your device you are then NOT running GrapheneOS which will be confirmed by Auditor when you run it afterwards. As such the discussion would no longer be appropriate for the GrapheneOS Discussion Forum as you are no longer discussing GrapheneOS.
@flawedworld It would be a violation of the security model and we will never support root
Source: [Matrix]
@Hulk GrapheneOS with root is not GrapheneOS
Source: [Matrix]
@TommyTran732 No point in using GrapheneOS if you are rooting. You are cripling your security with that.
Source: [Matrix] we also are not exposing root support in any way. they can compile the OS themselves with root support or leave the bootloader unlocked with a patched boot image knowing they have ruined the security and privacy of GrapheneOS.
Source: [Matrix]
@akc3n Root destroys the Android Security Model.
Source: [Matrix]
@matchboxbananasynergy In a way, even if it's possible, a rooted GrapheneOS installation isn't really GrapheneOS anymore :)
Source: [Matrix]
As this is the GrapheneOS Discussion Forum further discussion surrounding such things would not be appropriate.