Hi everyone.
I'm facing the same crash problem while using camera. It doesn't matter which app I use, I'm facing the same problem even using CamScanner to scan a document with camera. I don't know what cause this.
Here I add my Logs, I hope it contains my problem :) :
type: logcat
osVersion: google/bluejay/bluejay:14/AP1A.240505.004/2024050700:user/release-keys
buffers: main,system,crash,events,kernel
level: error
--------- beginning of system
05-13 07:31:46.809 1000 1284 2548 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:31:47.907 1000 817 9519 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.h:444: Invalid buffer ID 0
05-13 07:31:47.907 1000 817 9519 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:2192: Failed to set output buffer ID, errno: -22
05-13 07:31:47.908 1000 817 9491 E Lyric : mesh_warp_node.cc:563: With hw_dma_sync: INTERNAL: cam2_preview_mesh_warp: MeshWarpController returned: FAILED_PRECONDITION: cam2_preview_scaler producing drops as all input frames are dropped; Error signaled on ready-to-start for fence #0
05-13 07:31:47.983 1000 817 9513 E G3ACoordinator: coordinator.cc:1518: [9, 2] cannot be found
05-13 07:31:47.983 1000 817 9513 E G3ACoordinator: coordinator.cc:1518: [9, 3] cannot be found
05-13 07:31:48.059 1000 817 9501 E Lyric : software_fence.cc:40: Resetting unsignaled fence 2
05-13 07:31:48.189 1000 817 1548 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:1650: Failed to session_manager->StopProcessingGraph(), FAILED_PRECONDITION: graph not initialized
05-13 07:31:48.189 1000 817 1548 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:890: WaitAndStopLyricGraphs() failed!, errno: -19
05-13 07:31:48.189 1000 817 1548 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:898: Remove camera 0 from ActiveCameraDeviceTracker failed!, errno: -22
05-13 07:31:50.010 1000 1284 8999 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:31:51.101 1000 1284 7099 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:31:54.323 1000 1284 8999 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:00.293 1000 1284 10552 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:03.535 1000 1284 9625 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:06.751 1000 1284 8999 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:07.605 1000 817 12627 E G3ACoordinator: af_session_config_parser_lyric.cc:81: static_camera_model has no value unexpectedly.
05-13 07:32:07.618 1000 817 12627 E G3ACoordinator: tuning_manager.h:49: Node type not found: 4
05-13 07:32:07.618 1000 817 12627 E G3ACoordinator: tuning_manager.h:49: Node type not found: 4
05-13 07:32:07.618 1000 817 12627 E G3ACoordinator: tuning_manager.h:49: Node type not found: 4
05-13 07:32:07.902 1000 817 12652 E Lyric : external_auto_focus_controller_proxy.cc:1984: Not able to get shutter notification timestamp. No actuator data is collected.
05-13 07:32:08.114 1000 817 12639 E Lyric : auto_focus_meta_node.cc:198: Start of exposure timestamp < 0 on frame [1] is not supported by the 3A interface.
05-13 07:32:08.127 1000 817 12656 E Lyric : dysco_node.cc:83: tuning_point payload is missing due to frame drop!
05-13 07:32:08.127 1000 817 12656 E Lyric : dysco_controller_impl.cc:155: One of InputData fields is nullptr.
05-13 07:32:08.128 1000 817 12652 E Lyric : dysco_node.cc:83: tuning_point payload is missing due to frame drop!
05-13 07:32:08.149 1000 817 12659 E G3ACoordinator: coordinator.cc:1518: [9, 3] cannot be found
05-13 07:32:08.149 1000 817 12637 E G3ACoordinator: coordinator.cc:1518: [9, 2] cannot be found
05-13 07:32:08.168 1000 817 12645 E Lyric : g3aa_pipeline.cc:1160: [Bayer0][Frame 4] Pending interrupt mask: 0X17FF
05-13 07:32:08.168 1000 817 12645 E Lyric : g3aa_pipeline.cc:1160: [PDAF0][Frame 4] Pending interrupt mask: 0XE000
05-13 07:32:08.170 1000 817 12645 E Lyric : software_fence.cc:40: Resetting unsignaled fence 2
05-13 07:32:08.184 1000 817 12680 E Lyric : g3aa_pipeline.cc:1376: [PDAF0][Frame 4][SOF 4][ VALID ] frame_id: [4]:3, Timestamp: 194281835700, HW was last programmed at SOF of Frame 3 HW latched onto a SW frame whose buffers are no longer held by SW. This is a bug in the SW driver.
05-13 07:32:08.184 1000 817 12680 E Lyric : g3aa_pipeline.cc:1426: [Frame 4][SOF 4][ VALID ] frame_id: [4]:3, Timestamp: 194281835700, HW was last programmed at SOF of Frame 3
05-13 07:32:08.226 1000 817 9597 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:1650: Failed to session_manager->StopProcessingGraph(), FAILED_PRECONDITION: graph not initialized
05-13 07:32:08.226 1000 817 9597 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:890: WaitAndStopLyricGraphs() failed!, errno: -19
05-13 07:32:08.226 1000 817 9597 E Lyric : camera_device_session_hwl_impl.cc:898: Remove camera 0 from ActiveCameraDeviceTracker failed!, errno: -22
05-13 07:32:09.972 1000 1284 12719 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:18.644 1000 1284 2548 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:20.728 1000 1284 12719 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:22.178 1000 1284 12719 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:23.842 1000 1284 4166 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:25.940 1000 1284 3655 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:26.704 1000 1284 1607 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:28.564 1000 1284 9043 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:29.278 1000 1284 1552 E NotificationService: Package enqueue rate is 5.1567063. Shedding 0|com.whatsapp|3|null|10147. package=com.whatsapp
05-13 07:32:30.637 1000 1284 2548 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.551 1000 1284 4170 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.554 1000 1284 4170 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.559 1000 1284 4170 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.560 1000 1284 4170 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.560 1000 1284 9759 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:33.560 1000 1284 13369 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:34.868 1000 1284 1611 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:32:44.126 1000 1284 13369 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:26.195 1000 1284 1771 E HandwritingModeController: Cannot get requestId: Handwriting was not initialized.
05-13 07:33:27.068 1000 1284 2473 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:27.182 1000 1284 1611 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.localtransport et al): null
05-13 07:33:30.268 1000 1284 9044 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:30.603 1000 1284 8999 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:33.146 1000 1284 4170 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:36.351 1000 1284 9759 E AppOps : Operation not found: uid=1041 pkg=audioserver(null) op=WAKE_LOCK
05-13 07:33:37.059 10154 15485 16086 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.xiaomi.market.provider.DirectMailProvider