I have pixel 6 i installed the grapheneOs is very good but I have an issue with my simcard doesnt connect to any provider please I need help

    RmzGTR can you go to:

    SETTINGS>NETWORK AND INTERNET>TAP ON YOUR SIM and then let us know what Operator Settings you have listed.


    Check to make sure your carrier info is correct.

    If not go to SETTINGS>SYSTEM>RESET>MOBILE WIFI BLUETOOTH and reset those which should prompt the right settings to be implemented.

    Also check to see if you carrier supports your device as the project relies on extracting carrier settings from the stock Pixel Experience as supplied to Google by your carrier.

      MetropleX brother thanks for reply I have try to connect my device manual to my carrier doesn't connect to LTE and only connects to 3g I can make calls but can't use my data also I am not receiving SMS ! Can't sent you pictures here

        Good morning hope you are good ky carrier is ONE TELECOM ALBANIA

        RmzGTR Please check the following and report back:

        Let me know what is listed here for Operator Settings Version:
        SETTINGS>NETWORK & INTERNET>SIMs (One Telecommunications)

        Check your APN settings:


        Check what is listed there if anything and check it against this:

        I have checked the One Telecommunications website and they don't list the Pixel nor would it appear have they ever therefore their carrier settings will not have been provided to Google resulting in GrapheneOS being unable to extract them, but we will see where we go from when you let me know the details above.

          MetropleX brother thank you very much just fix my APN settings everything works perfect thank you you the best big respect to this project

          RmzGTR there are services such as Curve Pay, Stocard etc however most are locale dependent. Some have managed to get smartwatch based methods working too.