This is way off-topic and not related to GOS, but these last couple of weeks i've seen a bunch of posts talking about some issues with aurora store, so here are some words from the developer themself:
Hey all, Bit unfortunate but Aurora Accounts are aggressively block by Google, which makes sense as we are growing in numbers. Yayy!!
However we have to take down Dispenser (Anonymous Login Provider) in order safeguard our account.
We're going to take a step back & figure out smarter way to do things.
Will bounce back soon!
Thanks ❤️
UPDATE: should be up again:
Anonymous logins should be ok now, rate-limiting issues fixed 😃
Disable Search in custom tab from Advanced Setting to get good old search working again!!
[that last part only applies to the nightly build]
ORIGINAL POST: I could share the aurora's dev team message that they sent on their telegram channel as an fyi:
🔧🪛🔨 Dear users, we are atempting to fix the Rate Limited issue but for that, the token dispenser needs to be taken offline for a while. This may take between a few days and a week (or more) but please be asured we are working to solve this problem as soon as possible. ⏳
Once the token will go offline, you will only be able to login with a personal account. So install / update your apps while you can.
❌ The token dispenser is now offline.