Strong case could be made that your position is exactly why you should choose GOS.
Think of it as an apartment building (phone), a property management company (OS) and tenants (apps). You're in the market to buy a building.
Nearly all buildings available for purchase lock you into one of two management firms that have complete run of the place - and will not listen to you, even though you own the building. Management will install the cameras and mics in every room, has a cozy relationship with the mayor who wants to know what books you picked up from the library and on and on it goes. On top of that, they allow the tenants to remove just about any door in the building and allow them to install their own cameras and mics in every bathroom.
But, there is a set of special buildings, let's call them "Titan"-class, where a choice exists. You can hire a top-notch firm - if you choose - to run your place. This firm won't put any cameras/mics anywhere, will install steel doors to all apartments and give you the keys to use as you see fit. There will be no drunk or shady tenants roaming the building going into every room - including your office - whenever they please. And sure, once in a very rare while a tenant may be disallowed to move in (or, rather, bring in some of their furniture), but they have to be extremely dumb/insane/delinquent for that to happen, so you wouldn't want their "functionality" around anyway...
In this light, should you choose to invite a bunch of very questionable characters to your place, last thing you'd want is a management company whose interests aren't aligned with yours.