I built a custom rom for the phone. I can't seem to find the instructions on how to flash from a custom build directory. Here is a listing of files that were built. If someone could point me to the instructions on how to flash these custom images, I would appreciate it.
~/grapheneos-TQ2A.230505.002.2023050500/out/target/product/<phone>$ ls
abl.img build_fingerprint.txt gen modem.img ramdisk vendor-bootconfig.img
android-info.txt build_thumbprint.txt gsa.img obj ramdisk.img vendor_boot.img
apex installed-files-ramdisk.json obj_arm recovery vendor_dlkm
appcompat debug_ramdisk installed-files-ramdisk.txt pbl.img root vendor_ramdisk
bl1.img dexpreopt_config installed-files-root.json symbols
bl2.img dtb.img installed-files-root.txt product system
bl31.img dtbo.img kernel pvmfw.img system_ext
boot.img fake_packages ldfw.img pvmfw_embedded.avbpubkey tzsw.img
bootloader.img misc_info.txt radio.img vendor