Msanders let's say I added fingerprint unlock to my phone. It would be the only place where I'm using my fingerprint as authentication, because I don't use that anywhere else. The fingerprint data is never stored as-is in the first place, the Trusted Execution Environment only has a hash of your fingerprint data (in layman's terms.)
Now, let's say a kind of vulnerability happened and was exploited that could somehow leak that fingerprint hash from the TEE. Let's say somehow the data was in the right format that you could use that hash to fool another system. It still doesn't let someone else steal my identity, because that information is not used for authentication anywhere else anyway. All it could be used for is unlocking my phone, which is a moot point if you already had an remote exploit powerful enough to even extract fingerprint data from the TEE.
This is all hypotheticals, by the way. Even root cannot access the fingerprint data. There would need to be a significant hardware flaw for the TEE to even be able to leak fingerprint data in the first place. Only the TEE should have access to the fingerprint reader, the OS (or individual applications) only receive a "yes" or a "no" from the TEE when checking fingerprint data. and as for the fingerprint data, it should be specifically signed with device- and user-specific keys, meaning the stolen fingerprint data wouldnt be useable anywhere else than on your phone anyway.
If the impersonation you're worried about is for an attacker to be able to make actions on your phone as if they were the user, they don't need the fingerprint data for that if they had an exploit strong enough to even breach the TEE. Even just root access would be enough to impersonate any user on the device and do things on their behalf.
You can probably trust that Pixel phones follow these guidelines, but other manufacturers might not handle fingerprints nearly as securely, so be warned.
By the way: if it's your actual fingerprint you're worried about being stolen, you are leaving it on almost everything you touch on a daily basis. It would be trivial for a motivated attacker to lift your prints and copy them. Getting a device or system to accept modified fingerprint data might be a bit more difficult, but you probably aren't using fingerprint data as a main method of authentication for real life stuff, so it's unlikely someone could successfully impersonate you just by having your fingerprint anyway.