I am planning to buy 7, i am currently a one+ user, they have option for user profile.
So, when i am swtiching from one profile to another, apps running in the 1st profile stays in the recent but gets cleared from the ram.
As a result when i am initiating payment in one profile then switching to the banking profile, the initial profile clears ram and as a reuslt that app that used to initiated the payment also stops that payment timer and as a result the payment fails.
So is this same happens in grapheneos?
Means if i open app in one profile and minimize that app, then switch to another profile then i again come back to the main profile, then can i open that minimized app from that same postition where it was minimized??
Like watching utube in main profile, minimized that, switches profile, doing some work on 2nd profile and then again comes back to the main profile, will the utube starts from where it was minimized or the app will reload??