affwuser Hi, Accidentally flashed wrong image (4a instead of 7 pro), is there anything I can do? Thanks!
affwuser How would I do it? The phone doesn't respond at all now, can't event get to the bootloader. When connected to my PC if I run lsusb I can see for a second that it is detected, but after a second it is not detected anymore.
W1zardK1ng Did the phone show any sign of life or it completely dead? try to flash the stock os if possibile
affwuser Unfortunately, according to u/GrapheneOS in reddit, the phone got bricked. Here for reference: (Wasn't clear in my original post, but I was actually trying to flash the stock Android OS, that why it was possible to begin with, GrapheneOS's script has protection against this)
W1zardK1ng Yah, sad to hear. Since its new device you can take it google and say one day morning you noticed the phone is not starting they should replace the device.
timyysoo Can you still try to connect your phone with device manager in windows 10? If so it might still be possible to unbrick your pixel 7 pro
spiral After reading through the reddit post I'm fairly unclear on what happened. What is the recommended safe method for flashing stock Android and how did OP's method differ?
de0u spiral What is the recommended safe method for flashing stock Android and how did OP's method differ? It sounds from the Reddit thread as if the stock flash scripts do not check device type, i.e., are not safe if you get that wrong. Google offers a web flasher that may well check.