Dont self host a vpn server unless your goal is just to hide your traffic from your ISP, But the problem is with a self hosted vpn your ip stays same on all the devices until you built multiple server and configure it in that way.(Think how many servers you can build and maintain)
The major benefit of using a trusted vpn provider is that you transfer your traffic from your isp to the vpn provider you trust also blending in with other users of that vpn provider by using their ips.
If you don't trust any vpn provider build multiple servers and configure vpn and share it with friends and family(its bit better than using those server ips only by you not a perfect solution), but remember you are in charge of marinating the server, patching those and all other admin things.
If your ISP give use dynamic ips for each sessions its better to not use a self hosted vpn as it will make you less stand out in the internet, but then you trust isp for traffic.
This is not a suggestion, but you need to understand the problems and advantages of
1.using a trusted vpn
2.selfhosting a vpn
3.using the isp with dynamic ips
If you dont trust anyone in the world, you need to self host everything, but for vpn at least you may need to create a vpn provider.
make a very good understanding of the concepts and proceed, good luck mate