primipare Been trying for over 12 hours, maybe 8 times, both Signal and Molly (from F-droid). Keeps saying I have tried to many times blabla. At loss, especially considering that Signal is my main messaging app. Please help
d4f2 primipare Not sure if any of this will help... things to try, consider: which apk., from Website vor play store DNS blocking/filters VPN ( may need to fill Google captcha) Just to point this out, this is not a GrapheneOS or Google Play services problem
[deleted] primipare I had the same issue. Try to register the phone number in 24 or 48 hours. Consider to use xmpp (Conversattions), don't rely on Signal (centralized service). As you can see, you cannot rely on this service [I've noticed that your problem is solved, cheers!]
billinmtl You can download apk direct from Signal and then let it auto-update and remove F-Droid from the equation.
primipare d4f2 Tried apk from Google Playstore and, following advice from previous reply, from Signal website, same issur. Phone is brand new, installed Graphene last night, so no vpn, no filters that I have set up.
primipare billinmtl "You have tried too many times, try again in xx:xx". Varies from 15 minutes to 12 hours. There doesn't seem to be logic in it, either
primipare primipare FYI : only change I did was installing the app directly from the website.
Blastoidea Think about installing and playing with Session, just for giggles. No phone number required, and onion routing. I am an enthusiastic convert, as you may guess. You need to convince at least one person to follow you over there.
raccoondad Blastoidea Session is pretty good, I enjoy the "one tap" approach to account creation, similar to Mullvad