After looking at documentation, YT videos and suggestions pinned here, I decided to have the following setup for a balanced usability, security and privacy for my use case:
Owner user
- Most apps come from F-Droid, and a few from Aurora Store like Garmin Connect, Maps and Mega. Play Services and Play Store are not installed. The ONLY google app installed is: GMSCompatConfig which is a Play Services dependency. But Play Services is not installed.
Work profile of the Owner user (via Shelter)
- All Google apps are installed (via Apps ofc) and Google Play is logged in with a fake empty gmail account. By empty I mean that I only use that to install apps, no gmail, calendar, search, etc. I use this work profile to use banking apps and other apps that refuse to work without Play Services.
My question is: What does GMSCompatConfig dependency installed actually do to my setup? Which info is sent to Google?
Does this app permit to reach internet for another google app such as Gboard? I know that Gboard can still reach internet even with network permission OFF but Play Services installed. In my case only that dependecy is installed.