h2dden https://grapheneos.org/install/cli#replacing-grapheneos-with-the-stock-os mentions: "Before flashing the stock factory images and before locking the bootloader" Should I understand that the command: fastboot erase avb_custom_key is to be executed twice: before flashing and then again before unlocking? Or the "and" should be read as "or", that is either before flashing or before unlocking?
MetropleX h2dden what are you erasing it for? Flashing back to stock? This step is only required when removing GrapheneOS and placing stock Android back on the device. You need only do it once, prior to using the Android Flash Tool.
h2dden I am interested in your opinion: is the flash tool better in any way than cli? I mean for installing, maybe. But for un-installing you would still need to execute the command to remove the custom key via cli. So, what is the net advantage?
[deleted] In my opinion the best method to install GrapheneOS, at least on Linux (I'm on Debian 11) is the command line method. Also for uninstall (if you want it for any reason).
[deleted] GrapheneOS I prefer to have the control about what commands are running. In fact I haven't tried the web version of the installer/uninstaller due to I'm fine with commands.