Overnight2160 I neither receive update notification nor i get automatic updates with playstore despite despite both being enabled in the settings. Any way to solve that? Did I maybe forget something? Other notifications work fine with sandboxed play services. I use the Pixel 4a 5g with the newest firmware
[deleted] Even on wifi? You can check also relevant setting: Permitted networks Require battery above warning level And just in case, you can always try oldies but goldies: restart your phone :-)
Overnight2160 [deleted] Permitted networks, Require battery above warning level couldnt download and update apps otherwise. It only happens with the playstore. notifications for app updates are enabled in the app settings. And just in case, you can always try oldies but goldies: restart your phone :-) Alright Ill try that^^
Overnight2160 I did a reinstall of the playstore and checked the permissions but I still dont reveive any notfication from it.
treequell Overnight2160 Perhaps, I didn't understand you correctly but... You have to confirm the first time you update an app in Google Play Store, that's just how it works. Subsequent updates are seamless (automatic).
treequell Overnight2160 Have a look in Settings > Apps > Google Play Store > Notifications > Updates available. Check all the options there are as you expect they should be.
Overnight2160 treequell I neither receive notifications about updates nor do they get installed automatically. automatic updates and notifications are enabled in the settings.