Tel Looks like Swatch has watches with their own payment system (developed in cooperation or by? Wearonize). Besides being able to pay with them, they only show the time. Let me know your thoughts.
matchboxbananasynergy Tel Have you tested whether SwatchPay! requires a Google certified OS? If it does, you will not be able to use it on GrapheneOS. It would be great to know if it works so that we can recommend it to others.
Tel I will get a watch next week and play around with it. If you active the watch in the shop you don't need to download the app at all.
MineralWater Problem is, only very few Banks allow Swatch Pay for their cards. Zero in USA, in Europe it is a lottery. Italy seems to be the only place with lots of choices.
Tel The project is still very young, it's for sure smart to check if your bank supports it. Ofc. I can't speak for all of Europe but where I'm from and in our neighboring countries it's supported by most if not all big banks. There is also support for Curve & VIMPay.