See below:
user@PC:~/Documents/Pixel 7$ export PATH="$PWD/platform-tools:$PATH"
user@PC:~/Documents/Pixel 7$ fastboot --version
fastboot version 33.0.3-8952118
Installed as /home/user/Documents/Pixel 7/platform-tools/fastboot
user@PC:~/Documents/Pixel 7$ cd panther-factory-2022121400/
user@PC:~/Documents/Pixel 7/panther-factory-2022121400$ ./
./ 45: /home/user/Documents/Pixel: not found
./ 45: [: -ge: unexpected operator
fastboot too old; please download the latest version at
user@PC:~/Documents/Pixel 7/panther-factory-2022121400$ which fastboot
/home/user/Documents/Pixel 7/platform-tools/fastboot
it appears to me that the line if ! [ $($(which fastboot) --version | grep "version" | cut -c18-23 | sed 's/\.//g' ) -ge 3303 ]; then
fails if the directory contains a space. I'm not really good enough at bash to know how to fix this but I do know it's a "bash" type of issue. It seems to me the message about fastboot being out of date is caused by this command not being evaluated properly rather than fastboot actually being out of date. A warning about this should probably be included on the cli installation guide.
removing the space from the "Pixel 7" folder resolves this issue
I am running Debian 11 if that helps