I saw your reply in this thread yesterday. I haven't been active on this forum for weeks since I was traveling.
Maybe this explanation will make sense...
All Android apps are sandboxed. In a nutshell, this means they have a virtual environment they run in and copies of system files they need to run. An app cannot possibly modify these files, nor can an app modify system files outside of the sandbox (for more than one reason).
While in the sandbox, apps can only interact with the system via Android's APIs. Scroll and click around this page to see all API classes offered by Android. Android only logs and reports apps accessing certain APIs, not all of them, in the privacy dashboard.
So, for an app to feed fake data through API endpoints, the app would have to have root access. There's simply no other way for an app to taper with data accessed via Android's APIs.
Honestly, considering the apps you mentioned are being discontinued, your best bet would be to be smart about permissions you give to apps. If you have to use an app that requires permissions you're not comfortable with granting, your best plan B would be to use the invasive app in another user profile. An app within a relatively empty user profile cannot access anything outside of the profile.