horde https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/fitness-app-was-used-to-locate-the-world-s-most-powerful-people/21946/ Open source private fitness apps alternatives that runs locally: https://codeberg.org/jannis/FitoTrack https://opentracksapp.com/
splattergames horde old news; in previous years there were entities discovering secret US military bases from running data already. But it's a good reminder nevertheless!
hikari This is why "Network Permission" is necessary, unless the app refuses to operate without an access to the internet...
PaulDavis Why do people feel it necessary to share that info anyway? Is it because they want to feel smug in conversations trying to one up themselves against their friends? "I'm better than you because I ran 16 miles before breakfast" Obviously desperately lonely or insecure people
splattergames PaulDavis what a weird and aggressive statement. Some people need ways to motivate themselves by competing against others, usually their friends. If you want to have an automated solution for such a task, it's the way to go. A regular person (aka "normie") doesn't really care much about privacy and is willing to share that data for that purpose. That doesn't mean that they're somehow inferior; it means they have different priorities in life than you do.
[deleted] Just goes to prove, that glass brick in your pocket is a poison chalice, trust it at your peril. NEVER enter anything into it that you cannot afford to loose or share, even unintentionally or have manipulated.