Relaks well the conclusion of this thread is : in case where the emergency feature is needed, that is, "i'm under moral pressure or i'm physically too weak against my opps, and must hide that I'm dialing authorities, so I will only do 5 powerbutton taps and hope that someone will listen on at my urgent situation", I need to always have the mic quicksetting activated. (because : see above, several additional taps are needed, with phone being stared at, if initially the mic was OFF)
Which then defeat the privacy purpose of having such feature (mic software-based deactivation). So I was wondering whether it'd be a quickie for gOS devs to check what the Tasker app already did for various user cases, which is de/activate some sensor when connected/leaving a particular network. It would allow gOS users to, e.g, choose to deactivate mic and cam as soon as they reach some network/location considered as safe. To have private conversations with their relatives.
And then, in the wild, even though conversations (or physically un-hidden camera sensors) may still leak to device apps, still keep the mic sensor ON, in case SOS needs to be emited.
Edit : could also be calendar-event triggered maybe...